News / Blog


Welcome to the Christmas blog from McRae’s Sales, Lettings & Management.

Who would have thought at the start of the year that key words in 2020 would have been Virus, Lockdown, Mask and Tier?


We’re pleased to say that other words have come to the fore and we’ve been delighted to play our part in that… Words like COMMUNITY.

What time of the year makes us think of Community more than Christmas? Especially this Christmas. Although most of us will have had well-laid plans disrupted by the Tier 4 announcements, hopefully we can look to neighbours and the local community and feel a sense of belonging in these difficult times.

One local good news item, we’re delighted to report, is that the walk-through Nativity at All Saints’ Church in Castle Avenue, Highams Park proved a resounding success. We were pleased to sponsor and help promote the event – and you didn’t let them down. Just look at the images from the event.


We can report more than 450 visitors passed through the church – in a socially-distanced way – before the Tier 4 deadlines and on the same evening as the Strictly Come Dancing Final on the TV! Three Cha-Cha cheers and well done to all those who helped organize and set up this event in a safe way.


Unfortunately, more shops in the area have been affected by the Tier 4 restrictions but many are still trading – offering online services and local delivery or pick-ups. We urge you to support them and to shop local when you can.

Do also support the local cafes and eateries offering take-aways or deliveries.

At McRae’s we’ve been pleased to be able to trade on and to offer a COVID-aware service to all our clients through the pandemic. We will continue to do all we can to offer our committed and dedicated service.

Like you, we hope 2021 will bring a much brighter year and we look forward to serving you and meeting all your property needs in the future.

Managing director Craig McRae says: “On behalf of myself and all the McRae’s team, we wish all our clients, associates and neighbouring businesses a Merry Christmas and safe New Year. Thank you to all those who have turned to us in the last year. We’re delighted that our expertise, experience and local knowledge have helped us to help so many. We wish you all well.”

We will be taking a bit of a break for Christmas. Please note you can contact us via all the contact details on our website and we will respond as quickly as possible. Take care and keep safe.

Our Christmas and New Year opening hours are here: